10 tips for a guy
1) pick us flowers from other people's yards and give it to us
2) sing to us, no matter how bad you are
3) dont be afraid to hold our hand... dont worry, we wont run away!
4) play with our hair
5) tell us a stupid joke, to make her laugh
6) whisper in our ears
7) kiss our neck
8) write us letters
9) walk, dance, and kiss us in the rain
10) let us take all the pictures of you we want
11) listen to us favorite songs
12) lend us your cds
13) give us your favorite or lucky item (ie necklace, coin, penny, whatever)
14) stay up with us all night... believe us, its a bonding experience
15) go stargazing
16) kiss our forehead and look down on us
17) leave little unexpected notes for us in our car, door, locker, jacket pocket, w/e
18) push us in the swings
From datingtips.ws
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