How to be a top flirt
FLIRTING: "To play at love, without serious intentions." It is often done to arouse sexual interest in another person. Flirting is fun; it is just kidding around. Have the intention of fun and nothing else. It is not serious, so you cant do anything wrong! It is kind of a joke about what they're doing; with which you tease them and kid them about. Remember: You dont have to do the right thing, because you are just kidding.
Your FRAME OF MIND is very important in flirting. Don't try to be a flirt. Skills of flirting come automatically to you from your sub-consciousness if you just loosen yourself and have a positive approach of mind.
Flirting Tips
1. Focus outward. Keep your attention outside yourself, toward a particular flirting target or toward the general social environment. You can't flirt while you're self-absorbed.
2. While flirting, follow up with a helpful comment. That helps them know you are kind, not just light-heartedly rude.
3. Body Language: Straighten up, good posture, shoulders relaxed, arms uncrossed, lean forward slightly.
4. Have fun. Be playful, light-hearted and spontaneous. Show your vulnerability.
5. Compliment. Compliment your flirting partner. The best compliments have the element of surprise. The "flirtee" will know that you really noticed them. Remember, your compliments must be honest, sincere and genuine. When you receive a compliment the best response is merely to say Thank You!
6. Use your eyes. Whether in conversation or across the room, look at your target's eyes a little longer than necessary, and keep a small smile on your own face while you do that.
7. Smile. It is contagious. It will make you so much more approachable. A smile lights up your face and draws people to you.
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