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Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Top 10 tips to attract a man

Top 10 tips to attract a man

Once your loser boyfriend left your life, you figured it was time to celebrate. Go out with the girls, live it up, have some “me” time.
Well, it’s been about six months, and if you have to read one more article called “I Will Survive,” you’re going to scream.

Immediately after a break up, women often feel empowered. Well, depressed and fat first, but then empowered. They’re ready for independence and “girl power.” Friends begin ending phone conversations with “You go, girl!” And you even find yourself repeatedly saying, “I don’t even want a boyfriend right now.”

Sure you don’t. And if you’re happy sitting on the couch, cuddling up to your two cats, Bo and Luke, then don’t bother reading any further. But if you’re ready to get out there again, you’re gonna need some ammo.

Work it. You know what I mean: I’m talking about you and your fear of skin. Show a little. I don’t mean Julia Roberts in Erin Brockovich, but maybe something from her Mystic Pizza days.

Work out. Did I mention that Tip #1 is contingent upon the success of Tip #2? If you don’t work out, you can’t work it. Get yourself on the elliptical a few times a week, and not only will you look better in your new, revealing wardrobe, but you’ll feel better and exude confidence.

Shut up. Enough with the long stories already. First meetings call for shallow conversation, not your memoirs.

Be mysterious. This is the 21st century version of playing hard to get. Girls in the 20th century took this too far — never acting interested, never calling back… You know who you are. These days, hold back some information. Don’t divulge the details of your brief stint as Tori Spelling’s personal assistant; just allude to it. He’ll be begging for more.

No scowling. My gorgeous friend Miranda is a scowler. Scowls at everyone in the place. When she asks, “Why can’t I get a guy?” our friends tell her she intimidates men. She looks like a bitch. No one will tell her so I’m telling you.

Show your smarts. Acting ditzy is like so 1996. You watch CNN. Dazzle him with your knowledge of the Nasdaq, not Nickelodeon.

Be seen. You’ve got a VCR, probably even Tivo. You can tape Buffy. Just get out there and let the world know you’re available… without looking available. Make him say, “Who’s that girl I keep seeing around? She certainly looks mysterious and smart.”

Network. You may think your best friend’s boyfriend is a waste of time, but don’t count him out. No, I don’t mean steal him — talk to him. Talk to all guys even if they’re taken. They have friends, co-workers and second cousins. And they have much better taste than your girlfriends.

Graduate from seventh grade. Hey, you’re an adult. Don’t giggle with your friends and send one of them over to tell the guy you think he’s fine. I don’t care how many tequila shots you’ve had. You wouldn’t write his name on your book covers, would you?

If all else fails, girl… make the move. Why should we always leave it up to them? If you’ve followed the first nine tips, then you just may have the confidence to approach the guy yourself. What’s the worst that could happen? Wait; don’t answer that.

If these ten tips don’t help you, perhaps it’s some halitosis or unwanted facial hair issues that you need to deal with. Otherwise, this could be the advice to finally catapult you off that couch. Start a quick search today to find your dream guy. You go, girl!

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Wednesday, May 24, 2006

When A Woman Starts To Want More From You

When A Woman Starts To Want More From You

Establish the ground rules of your relationships with women so you have fun without heartache.
By Derek Vitalio

Sometimes it’s hard to keep the ladies from loving you TOO much.

From falling head over heels and wanting something deeper than you’re looking for. The trick to avoiding this trap – without losing a good fun partner – is to not activate the TRIGGERS which lead to the deeper emotional bonds of relationships. Once triggered, it’s hard to stop, especially without hurting someone. So steer clear.

A Good Problem
As you get better and better at picking up women, you’re going to encounter a new problem.

It’s a high-quality problem, and for many men they’d give their left nut for such a problem, but it’s still a problem.

What do you do when a woman wants a relationship, and you don’t?

Yeah, I know what you’re thinking; if only I could have such problems. But as you get better at seducing ladies, this problem gets worse and worse – because it’s an inverse deal. The smoother, the more relaxed and confident you are, the more women will be attracted to you.

And the more time those women will want to spend with you.

So what’s a guy who’s enjoying the field for the first time to do when some of his favorite ladies start pushing for exclusivity or, at the least, more of your time that you’d rather spend playing around?

The key to this is, DON’T LET IT HAPPEN.

Things that work… in a shmucky way

Now you could keep this from coming about by turning yourself into an insecure clingy wuss. But that’s bad programming, even if you’re just playing, and it precludes the chance of having anymore fun with the woman once you’ve driven her away.

You could turn into the ultimate asshole and drive her away with such means. Thing is, no one really wants to be an asshole, and the f*ck and flight thing not only is a negative experience for both parties, but it ALSO will stop you from seeing the girl again.

Remember, you want to leave every woman better than you found her, and being an abusive jerk is NOT the way to do it.

Besides, it can backfire; every once in a while you’ll find a neurotic woman who just gets MORE attached the more you abuse her. This is EXTREMELY damaging for her, tends to bring out your own worst traits, and selects for you women that are not the kind of high-quality, stable ladies you want in your life.

So what’s a mac daddy to do?

The answer is actually much simpler than you’d think.

Establish Parameters

First, make sure you make plain the ground rules going IN. These can be whatever you want them to be. You can say you’re just looking for a little fun, or you don’t want anything deeply emotional, you don’t want anything exclusive, or you just want to search and experiment for a bit. Or that you want to wait until you’re SURE you’ve found the right woman. Or you’re only interested in orgies.

Whatever, it doesn’t matter. All that matters is the ground rules come from YOU, in a confident relaxed way, and that you’re self-assured enough that you WON’T change just because she wants you to. Yeah, you enjoy your time together, and you WANT to spend that time together, but you don’t NEED to. If she cramps your style, you’re perfectly fine leaving for greener pastures.

She needs to know it, and more importantly, YOU need to be ready to FOLLOW THROUGH if you get to a point where she’s not satisfied with anything less than a deeper relationship. As long as you’re confident in yourself and your beliefs AND you’ve created a strong attraction, she’ll accept your reality and go along with it. Simple as that.

Control Your Contact

HOWEVER, this still needs maintenance over the course of a relationship. And that’s starts with CONTACT.

Let me explain: if you meet a girl, like each other, and you talk and go out, cool.

If you talk on the phone once a week, and see each other once a week or every other week, awesome.

If you talk a couple times a week and see each other once a week, cool.

If you talk five or six times a week and see each other three or four times a week… you’re in trouble.

She may know the rules, she may agree with them and they might even mesh with her own goals, but once you start seeing someone often, all those rules go right out the window.

Once you are seeing or contacting someone that often, you flip an emotional switch. The rules are purely intellectual, but once you get that emotional attachment in action, there’s no amount of thinking that’ll make it go away.

She might fight it – fight it to the point of being miserable about it – but eventually it WILL spring forth. And then you’re in a bad spot.

Luckily, if you’ve set the rules out well, you can break it off at that point with the minimum of heartache. But once you’ve gotten this far, the hearts involved WILL ache.

Watch for the Warning Signs, and ACT FAST

Exacerbating the situation is the fact that all this cool non-clingy attitude can cause her to become MORE clingy, as she feels the distance is greater than she’d like.

If she starts down that clingy road, you need to clip it early – either let her go, or increase the space and the length of time between meetings and conversations.

Avoid going too deep

Speaking of conversations, keeping them relatively short and practical is ALWAYS better for stopping those relationship tendencies from developing. Three five or ten minute chats confirming plans and organizing events is better than one three hour dialogue which ranges from her fear of snakes to your younger brother’s first razor burn.

If she starts to talk with you too much about FEELINGS, you should try to stop that. The more you get into emotions, the more emotional she’ll become about you (not to mention most emotional talk tends to be negative, thus associating you with negative energies).

If she’s complaining about some problem she has with her family or an ex, listen for a bit, sure – don’t be rude – but when she stops for a breath, say something like “It’s obvious this is bothering you a lot. But when you’re with me, I want you to have fun – that’s what our time is about. So now, I want you to shrink your ex and all your feelings about him down into this napkin. Now, crush the napkin and throw it behind your back. He’s gone. He’s out of your mind. Feel better? Good. Let’s grab a bite.”

It’s important to not be dismissive, but you don’t want to get stuck in deep emotional conversations too often. That’s what her girlfriends are for – and often her boyfriend. If you’re not looking for that sort of committed relationship, don’t let the path start up.

If you're reading this right now and you are wondering how you can take your seduction skills with women to the next level RIGHT NOW, where you will actually find yourself dealing with some these issues, then I'd recommend that you start out with my Seduction Science System. In just a few days of reading, you can learn to apply the basics that have taken me literally YEARS to figure out and put together in one place.

It's downloadable and you can be reading and applying the principles in a just a few minutes from right now.

If you want to REALLY get get your hands on my most advanced material on how to use your body language to nonverbally attract the women you want, then I'd recommend you invest in my Nonverbal Sexual Cuing course, available in Ebook and Audio CD format. In it you can listen to me lay out, teach, and explain in just a few hours some of the most easily applied advanced concepts on body language available anywhere on meeting, attracting, and seducing beautiful women.

On the site you'll also find a sample right from the series about the deeper level of sexual communication that a woman has no choice but to respond to. Check it out.

Until Next Time,

Derek Vitalio

Seduction Science Live In-Field Workshops

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Saturday, May 20, 2006

Don't Creep Her Out

Don't Creep Her Out
Make sure the ladies do not think of you as a typical creep.
By Derek Vitalio
Posted Friday, April 14, 2006 at

We spend a lot of time making sure we aren’t put in the ‘friend’ category. But an even worse mistake is to be thought a creep.

There’s no recovery. So let’s define a creep – and then make sure we’re not it.

The Two Bad Categories

I want you to think for a moment: what are the two categories of men that you want to stay out of, at all costs, if you’re going to have a chance with a lady?

Alright, one is easy: you CAN’T be a ‘friend.’ We’ve talked about this a lot, and we’re not going to rehash all the strategies that work to keep out of that ‘just a friend’ category, not today.

No, today we’re going to talk about the OTHER no-chance category you’ve GOT to avoid.

Have you got it yet?

Jerk? Nope. Wish it were so, but *ssholes get plenty of ladies.

Wimp? Oo, so close! Being wimpy VIRTUALLY guarantees you won’t get any action, but it’s not a 100% killer – at least not until it segues into ‘friend,’ which is where it goes.

And occasionally a guy acting like a wimp will find a shy insecure girl who NEEDS that sort of guy – because he’s non-threatening, and she’s as desperate as he is, knows it, and doesn’t mind.

Rare, but it does happen. Interesting tangent: those couples usually wind up getting married, or at least dating for eight years, because both are terrified they’ll never have sex again. They MIGHT be right for each other – but they just as easily might not. Don’t corner yourself like that.

So what’s the category that you ABSOLUTELY CANNOT fall into, or else your dead? Worse, you salt the earth surrounding the lady and might as well give up on her whole social scene and move on?


Once you’re a creep, you’re done. There’s just about no getting out of that hole. EVERYTHING you do will be seen through that lens, and your every action will seem perverted and disgusting to all but the most depraved women (ie used up porn stars and crack whores, not exactly your idea of a good time).

Being a creep is perhaps WORSE than being a ‘friend.’ Which, by the way, is why so many more guys have the ‘friend’ problem – but we’ll get into that in a bit.

So what makes a guy a creep?

It’s pretty simple, really: a humorless (to all but the creep) lasciviousness that consumes all aspects of humanity save the reptilian pursuit of flesh. The edge that says ‘This guy would rape me if it weren’t for this civilization thing we’ve built, and I STILL wouldn’t want to meet him in a hallway or alley.’

Also the thought ‘This guy doesn’t even know there’s a person standing here – just a pair of breasts.’ Or ‘Stop looking at me!’ Or the dreaded thought ‘If he touches me I’ll scream.’

I’m not saying that a guy IS that when a woman thinks him a creep – just that that’s what she SEES.

Nor am I saying all cases are as advanced and serious as this one. Just that this is the prototypical creep.

So, what can we do to NOT be creeps?

To start with, look a woman in the EYES.

Not the breasts. Not the butt. In the EYES.

Eyes are very important for communication and connection – it’s difficult to objectify a person if you talk to their eyes and not their body. So when you look at a woman’s eyes, you’re telling her that you SEE her, not just a collection of attractive lines. And that’s VERY important.

Also, DON’T check out other women while you’re talking to one. Unless you’re including her in the fun, or unless you’re going to act on it.

Flirtatious – not sex-starved

There’s nothing wrong with being flirtatious, being flirtatious with many women, or letting a woman you’re interested in watch you flirt with other women.

What IS wrong is if she sees you constantly leering with drool dribbling down your chin.

In fact, just don’t leer. Leer is strictly a creep word – if it can be used to describe anything you’re doing, you’ve got to change.

Ok, that’s pretty easy stuff. Time to get a bit more complex: sex.


So many guys are scared of sexual topics around women that they leave the field barren. They just avoid it.

That’s why a lot of the time I’m telling you NOT to be scared to talk about sex in a natural, honest and playful way.

Bottling up all your thoughts and feelings about sex is a sign of insecurity and/or inexperience. It’s not what you want to be showing a woman.

HOWEVER, a creep goes overboard.

He has a hard time talking about anything but sex. Everything ends as an overly lewd anecdote, an inappropriate innuendo, an awkward and uncomfortable situation.

He’s the guy making ‘ride the moustache’ jokes to women who’ve just managed to squeeze out their name between hi and bye.

It’s ok to talk about sex, but you’ve got to stay RELAXED and PLAYFUL about it. When you push it too far, constantly bring the topic back to sex and there’s a certain unplaced strain to it – when you’re not relaxed, but perhaps a bit manic – you get creepy.

Likewise, when you’re overly suggestive and slick, the woman is going to feel pursued, and she’s going to run away from this creepy shyster. You want to aim for cheeky, not creepy.


Now the same balancing act goes for touching. Most guys are so scared of inappropriate touching that they just keep their hands to themselves. Big mistake. You NEED touching to help spark PHYSICAL attraction, and to avoid being a ‘friend.’ That’s what we usually stress here. HOWEVER, a creep goes overboard.

While a balanced man will start with occasional natural gestures that allow for natural good contact – and eventually build up to more intimate touching – a creep starts WAY too intimate.

He’s liable to hold his contact for too long. Lean in farther and farther, even as she’s leaning away. Crowd her. Corner her. Grab her ass when she passes.

In short, the creep’ll feel more like a groper and aggressive ogler to a woman.

The successful guy is someone comfortable in his skin, and so she’s comfortable with him. The creep is only comfortable in hers. That’s her thought.

Now the trick to all this is balance. You DON’T want to be a creep OR a ‘friend,’ but at the same time you can’t be so scared of occasionally APPEARING that way that you’re frozen.

Don’t be frozen

It’s going to take some experimentation before you get your sexual conversation at a balanced level, and some time before your touching becomes natural and balanced as well.

And there’ll probably be some women along the way who put you into one category or another – especially since different women have different standards, and THAT takes some time to judge and get right as well.

You’ve got to be willing to go through the learning curve – but stay aware of what you’re doing, and how it’s going to appear. You’ll get it.

And then you’ll be ready to get any girl.

If you really want to take your sexual conversation as well as almost every other seduction skill to the next level, check out in in depth, the step by step process contained in my newest ebook, The Blueprint: A Linear Breakdown of Seduction. The process of seduction is broken down into a workable, easy to learn linear system that REALLY works.

Derek Vitalio
Seduction Science Live In-Field Workshops

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Saturday, May 13, 2006

Let women talk and help

Let women talk and help

Women love to talk (just think of how long they talk on the telephone). Women like to help (just think of a typical "female" job: nurse, kindergarten teacher, geriatric nurse...). Combine those attributes and you got a talk up and running by asking the woman: "Could I ask you for help? Could you tell me why/what/how/...". Ask her any question you like as long as the question is non-answerable by a simple "Yes" or "No".Believe it or not, but maybe you have failed in your last dating attempt because you maneuvered yourself into dead-end answers.

If you ask a girl "Have you been long here?" then practically anything she can answer is a dead end. She could answer "No, not long" or "A couple of minutes" but both answers do not lead into a nice conversational flow.Many men (since men are practical-minded) want a "clear and simple" answer. For dating purposes that kind of "questioning strategy" is absolutely wrong.Train by simply re-phrasing some of your question. Wrong: "Do you like this place?", right: "What do you think about this place?". You get the idea. In other words: Let her TALK. (This is just a simple example and I am not telling you to ask women that question).

Or ask her something like: "What do you think is the most common flaw men have?" or "I am writing for Could you help me by telling me what feature your ideal man should have?". Let her talk for hours.

Typical "open questions" start with

  • Why....?
  • How....?
  • What....?
  • Where/When.....?
You get the idea.


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Sunday, May 07, 2006

The Detailed Profile for Online Daters

The Detailed Profile for Online Daters
by DrDating

The dating scene has been changing pretty quickly. There are now lots and lots of new ways for people to date. There are some things such as speed dating and online dating that could have been only imagined by our ancestors.

I bet if you explain it to some older people, they will seem skeptical on how a person can meet someone without meeting him or her personally. Fortunately for us newer generations, the internet has been a great way to do so.

The internet has given very busy people who get stuck in the office still find a date. The busy employee can sneak in once in awhile to go to dating websites while working. The employee can then click some one else’s profile to leave a message.

The problem is, how can that person you left a notice probably get some interest in you? How can that person see if you both have some little similarities before deciding to go out on a date? This article will help give you an idea what to put into your profile for the other party to compare with her interests.

The first thing that you should right in your profile is what you do. This is a basic, because even if we talk to someone, this is what people usually ask. Try to right what your previous jobs and aspirations are. Remember that you are writing a profile, not a resume.

If you have kids, it is important for the other party to know. This will help the other party know how to adjust about the kids. When describing your kids try to tell their ages and if they still live with you. Kids are usually a great way to build some commonness for both dating single parents online.

If you have been a person who has been transferring a lot try to write it down. There are lots of people who love to travel who will catch your drift. It will also attract attention of people who currently live at places you used to live. If you lived in a foreign country, the better it is. People will be interested about your culture to the point that you’ll feel being interrogated.

If you have just currently transferred mention it. You can score some brownie points here. There will be kind people who will be willing to tour you around. If you are a really sneaky person, you can lie that you transferred recently.

If you are a foreigner, try to mention your foreign genealogy and language. People will try to make something out of it. The Irish person may force you to believe him or her that he or she really has Iranian bloodlines too.

Talk about the things you love to do to and your social life a bit. You can try to be witty and creative here. I.e. if you’re a very masculine guy “I love purchasing pink purses.”

In your profile you should also learn to write what you are looking for properly. This will help you screen out of people who are interested at you but have got no chance by your standards.

Be clear about what you want with your partner. If you think that smoking bothers you, say that you’re not looking for a smoking guy. Be clear however, because some people might think smoking as a very hot or adorable person. When you write that, the adorable ones may not write to you.

The most important thing is that you should mention if you are looking for a steady relationship, just a friend or a fling.

DrDating is one of the leading experts in dating, love and relationships on the internet. Visit his website a site filled with dating advice and tips. If you are looking for help with dating, love, and relationship issues then visit the DrDating Forums.

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Friday, May 05, 2006

Go where the Girls are

Go where the Girls are

Since I think I made myself clear in the advice Leave your home, we come to step #2: Increase the chance to find a woman.

How can you do that? By going to typical "female" places!

In other words: If you go to places with more women than men then you have more
. This may sound logical but men (including you) usually don't go to "female" places.

The following places are typical meeting places with many girls or where girls outnumber the boys

  • Single clubs. Dating groups.
  • Aerobic classes (many women!)
  • Fitness studios. Fitness studios are actually a "triple feature"
    • In Fitness Clubs are more women than men
    • You will increase also your own body fitness
    • You may meet women who want to get in shape because they want to find a boy-friend themselves
  • Dancing schools (remember, woman LOVE a good dancer).
  • Adult evening classes
  • Pottery classes
  • Ballet schools (Oh, well, I don't really expect you to become a ballet dancer, but there are many long-legged girls there)
  • Universities with many "female" subjects as "languages", "sociology", "psychology"...
  • Libraries. You can start to chat with a woman when she's having a break.
  • Quiet bars (instead of loud discotheques).
  • VIP rooms in discotheques. If a famous DJ puts on the music then there are sometimes groupies. Since not every of them can get the DJ, maybe they will date you. VIP rooms are also quiet places, thus good for conversations.
  • Coffee shops. Woman like to sit and drink tea in a relaxed atmosphere. If you go during rush hours you are "forced" to sit next to a girl.
  • Places where people go after work. These can be special bars where a lot of exhausted women are, wanting to relax and open to light conversation.
  • Tourist places. If you live in a town with many tourists then you may consider visiting typical tourist places. Many female tourists are looking for a boy-friend. If they had one you would see them most probably hanging around together (since they are on holidays).
  • Supermarkets/Market places. This is a good place, since many women go food shopping. There are even some "local rules" as: "Singles meet on Friday at the frozen food section". You should check in the internet or at single clubs what is considered as a "rule".
  • You can even get a conversation up and going by starting to talk about food or recipes.

You get the idea.

Moreover: If you don't find somebody after joining, say, a pottery class, then you have at least some experience in pottery :-

Source : a website in web. name forgotten

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Tuesday, May 02, 2006

The Best Time to Ask Women Out On a Date and Why

The Best Time to Ask Women Out On a Date and Why

If possible, avoid asking a single girl out for the first time for a Friday or Saturday night date. Here's why:

1) The odds of her being busy are high so she may have to turn you down, which creates bad vibes right off the bat.

2) It tells her that you don't have a date for the weekend with someone else so you may have trouble getting dates.

3) The weekend implies formal dating, so the pressure is on.

4) If you do get the date, she may have to turn down other offers because of her commitment to you, and go into the evening regretting having to turn down others. After all, she has no way of knowing whether she is going to have a good time with you or not.

On the other hand, if you ask her out during the week:

1) You imply that you are busy on the weekend. In other words, you are involved with other girls.

2) The odds of her being available are greater.

3) Weeknights imply casual-no pressure, a good atmosphere to get to know her.

4) You have turned a dull weeknight into a good time for her - good vibes right off the bat.

P.S. - This article is an excerpt from the best-selling book on how to successfully meet, date, attract, and seduce women called, "A Man's Guide to Women."


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