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Thursday, March 30, 2006

How to be a top flirt?

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How to be a top flirt?

FLIRTING: "To play at love, without serious intentions." It is often done to arouse sexual interest in another person. Flirting is fun; it is just kidding around. Have the intention of fun and nothing else. It is not serious, so you cant do anything wrong! It is kind of a joke about what they're doing; with which you tease them and kid them about. Remember: You dont have to do the right thing, because you are just kidding.

Your FRAME OF MIND is very important in flirting. Don't try to be a flirt. Skills of flirting come automatically to you from your sub-consciousness if you just loosen yourself and have a positive approach of mind.

Flirting Tips

1. Focus outward. Keep your attention outside yourself, toward a particular flirting target or toward the general social environment. You can't flirt while you're self-absorbed.

2. While flirting, follow up with a helpful comment. That helps them know you are kind, not just light-heartedly rude.

3. Body Language: Straighten up, good posture, shoulders relaxed, arms uncrossed, lean forward slightly.

4. Have fun. Be playful, light-hearted and spontaneous. Show your vulnerability.

5. Compliment. Compliment your flirting partner. The best compliments have the element of surprise. The "flirtee" will know that you really noticed them. Remember, your compliments must be honest, sincere and genuine. When you receive a compliment the best response is merely to say Thank You!

6. Use your eyes. Whether in conversation or across the room, look at your target's eyes a little longer than necessary, and keep a small smile on your own face while you do that.

7. Smile. It is contagious. It will make you so much more approachable. A smile lights up your face and draws people to you.


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Saturday, March 25, 2006

Body language flirtings

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Statistics differ but most experts agree it takes us between 90 seconds and four minutes to decide if we fancy someone - and as much as we'd like to think it all rests on that witty one-liner, it doesn't.

Body language is the quiet, secret and most powerful language of all!According to experts, our non-verbal language communicates about 50% of what we really mean (voice tonality contributes 38%)while words themselves contribute a mere 7%.
Our bodies send out messages constantly and often we don't recognize that we're communicating a lot more than we realize.

First impressions
You need to get the body language right straight away or they won't bother to stick around to find out how fascinating you are.

Before you've even spoken to the person you've got your eye on, the way you've walked and stood is more than 80 per cent of their first impression of you!

We make snap judgements based on instinct but the fact is, almost every facet of our personality is evident from our appearance, posture and the way we move.

So, how do we tell if our body is sending the right signals - and (more importantly) how to read theirs? Let your body do the talking (and the flirting) by learning to recognise...

Sexual signals that shows someone is flirting with you

The flirting triangle. When we look at people we're not familiar with (in a business situation for instance), our eyes make a zig-zag motion: we look from eye to eye and across the bridge of the nose.

With friends, the look drops below eye level and moves into a triangle shape: we look from eye to eye but also look down to include the nose and mouth.

Once we start flirting, the triangle gets even bigger - it widens at the bottom to include their good bits (like the body). The more intense the flirting, the more intensely we'll look from eye to eye - and the more time we'll spend looking at their mouth.

If someone is watching your mouth while you're talking to them, it can be very, very seductive. It could be that they're imagining what it would be like to kiss you.

Mirroring. This is a well known NLP tehnique : nothing will bond you more effectively than mirroring someone's behaviour. This simply means you do whatever it is they do. If they lean forward to tell you something intimate, you lean in to meet them. If they sit back to take a sip of their drink and look you in the eye, you pause then follow suit.The theory behind mirroring is that we like people who are like us. If someone is doing what we're doing, we feel they're on the same level as us and in the same mood as we are.

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There are two no-go areas with this one, though: firstly, only mirror positive body language; second, capture the spirit rather
than mimicking them. As a general rule, wait around 50 seconds before following their gestures.

The eyebrow flash. When we first see someone we're attracted to, our eyebrows rise and fall. If they are similarly attracted,they raise their eyebrows in return. Never noticed? It's not surprising since the whole thing lasts only about a fifth of a second!We're not consciously aware of doing it, but it's a gesture that is duplicated by every culture on Earth.

The trick is to watch for it when you meet someone you fancy. Better still, tell them you're interested on a subconscious level by prolonging your eyebrow flash for up to one second - deliberately raise them while catching their eye for full impact.

Pointing. Sneak a peek at what their feet and hands are doing - we tend to point toward the person we're interested in.If we find someone attractive, we'll often point at them subconsciously with our hands arms, feet, legs, toes.Again, it's an unconscious indicator to make our intentions known. Unconsciously, this is often picked up by the other person,without them really knowing why.

So if you've got your eye on someone in the corner, point your body in their direction - even if you don't make eye contact, they may take the hint.

Blinking. If someone likes what they see, their pupil size increases and so does their blink rate. If you want to up the odds in your favour, try increasing the blink rate of the person you're talking to, by blinking more yourself. If the person likes you, they'll unconsciously try to match your blink rate to keep in sync with you, which in turn, makes you both feel more attracted
to each other!

Before you go to practise all this, you must understand...

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The main rule of body language

Don't judge on one thing alone. Sitting with your arms crossed is often perceived as a defensive, stand-off posture. But it might also mean you're freezing cold, you're having a fat day or just spilt coffee all over your top!

Don't jump to conclusions, instead look for clusters of behaviour. If someone has their arms crossed and their lips are pursed disapprovingly, it's a fairly safe bet they are on the defensive. Most body language experts favour the Rule of Four, which means look for at least four signals suggesting the same thing before totally believing it.

Source : From an email whic i read

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Sunday, March 12, 2006

Online Dating Tips for Single Parents

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Online Dating Tips for Single Parents

Are you single again? Getting back into the dating scene after being away from it for a while can be tough. Tougher yet if you have kids involved. There are a number of new challenges involved in dating with children. With working all day, taking the kids to one event or the other. Spending the weekends with homework, housecleaning and grocery shopping, where's the time? Plus, what about the cost, babysitters, dinners out, the whole idea can be quite overwhelming.

The first thing you need to do is the same as everyone else. Start by making a list of what you are looking for. Maybe at this point you are really only looking for someone to spend time with. Maybe go see a movie that doesn’t have talking animals in it? Have dinner without a happy meal? We all need that adult time. Follow the same rules for creating your profile. But you need to include in your ad that you have children. Let people know if they are with you full time or part time. Many ads say “my children are number one” This is a great way to let people know how important family is to you. There will always be people scared off by the fact you have children, but you probably don’t want to date them anyway. Believe it or not, there are people who would love to find a great person with children because they love family as much as you do. When browsing ads look for people who are interested in “family activities” or “enjoy family time”.

When you do find someone special enough to spend time with, they should be someone who can love your children too. Remember, they are part of a package deal. You, and your kids together. You may want to start even more slowly online than someone who doesn’t have kids. Your children and their safety are your first priority. Any action you take is going to affect their lives as well. So they'll need to be happy with your new friend also. You'll need to be up front with them, on a level they can understand for their age group. Just listen to your heart, you'll know when it's the right time to introduce your friend to your kids. Start slowly having your children spend time with the two of you together.

Don't spend time with anyone who can't love your children too. As I said earlier you are part of a package deal. You must remember that giving out your personal information to someone you still don't really know not only gives them access to you, but to your children as well. And, of course as parents we all want to be protective of our kids. So, don't give your personal information out until you've met this person a few times offline, and you feel comfortable with them. The first few times they are with you and your children watch for any signs that they may not actually like children, how do thy act?, how do they talk to your children?, do they make any inappropriate comments? Anything that doesn’t sit well, any gut feeling, show them the door. Your children always come first.

For any long-term relationship or even marriage it's you and your kids. New challenges will come when trying to coordinate schedules and time together. Blending families can be a real challenge and not one to be taken lightly. Respect your children’s feelings. If the other person has children also, it might be nice to have similar custody schedules so that your children and their children are together on the same weekends. That way you can plan family activities together and on your “off” weekends you can schedule time together for the two of you.

Remember, when dating someone with children, you need to accept them as part of the package. That package will probably include the ex and shared custody with them. You need to be flexible and accepting of their past and everything that goes with that. Dating again as a single parent can be exciting, overwhelming, frustrating and very rewarding.

Article Source:

TJ Smith is a writer, publishers and the creative force behind several websites including Mega Date Cafe Online dating advice, tips and news.

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Saturday, March 04, 2006

Making The Move

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Making The Move

So you've heard over and over that girls should get the nerve to ask a guy out. That's true sometimes. You get interested in a guy that may be too scared or nervous or whatever to make the move. But here's my suggestion:

It's true that guys like it when the girl "grows the balls," for lack of a better phrase. But there are plenty of guys who DON'T like it. It makes them wonder, "Hey, what was I doing wrong here, so that they felt THEY had to make that move?" When you're going to finally "make that move" be CASUAL about it, so it makes your hunk feel like he's making some plans, too. Casually make a remark like, "Hey, up for drinks later?" or "I heard there's a new club opening up. Are you into the dancing scene?" Just be casual about it.

Guys dig the casual.

source :

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